Hexarelin, also known as Examorelin, is a Growth Hormone (GH), specifically a Growth Hormone Secretagogue Receptor (GHSR) of the hexapeptide class. Hexarelin is in many ways similar to GHRP-6; however, it has been shown to be much stronger producing a larger increase in naturally produced GH. Some data suggest it may be the strongest synthetic Growth Hormone Releasing Hormone (GHRH) on the market.

Hexarelin Functions and Traits
Hexarelin is comprised of a chain of amino acids that when administered stimulates the pituitary in a pulsating fashion causing it to release more GH into the body. Unfortunately, at this time it is not fully understood how Hexarelin causes such a strong increase in GH compared to say GHRP-6; data merely shows that the increase is significantly more.
The use of Hexarelin has also been shown to increase prolactin and cortisol levels in the body, far more so than other GH products. Prolactin increases should not be as strong as they may be with certain anabolic steroids, but they may be significant in some cases. Hexarelin will not increase Ghrelin levels in the body like GHRP-6 despite being very similar on a structural basis.
Data has also shown Hexarelin to be one of the faster acting GH products on the market but also one of the few that stops working after a set amount of time. GH levels should increase quickly and in a beneficial manner in as little as four weeks. However, use past the sixteen week mark has been shown to produce little to no results. Use of any worth will normally fall in the 8-12 week range with 4-6 weeks of no use (minimum) between Hexarelin cycles. The peptide will not render pituitary function (GH production) post use as will anabolic steroids in regards to the testicles, but it does appear to have a short lived actionable period of use.

Effects of MGF
The effects of MGF can largely be summed up by two words, hypertrophy and recovery. MGF being released into the body is beneficial for any athlete or fitness enthusiast regardless of bulking, cutting or any other phase he may be in. The release of MGF is something that occurs naturally, but in the case of performance enhancement the idea is to create a greater release of MGF than can be had naturally. The most common way to accomplish this is through the use of Human Growth Hormone (HGH). HGH carries with it many health and performance benefits, including the elevation of IGF-1 levels, in turn increasing MGF. However, direct supplementation of MGF is also possible through synthetic products.
Data shows that direct increases of MGF (injections) to have increased muscle fibers by 25% in a mere three weeks, where natural occurring took upwards of four months to produce 15% in rodents.
MGF is highly anabolic and can be a great addition to an off-season gaining phase. However, because the half-life of the product is only a few minutes and because it must be used immediately post training, it can be difficult for some people to use. For the benefits of injectable MGF to be had, it must be administered within a few minutes of a training session to catch the open window. If the individual were to train, drive home and then inject, he would have wasted the opportunity.
A more suitable option for many MGF users may be PEG-MGF. PEG-MGF is active in the body for several hours, whereas standard MGF only for a few minutes. Further, MGF will only remain active in the area of injection for a few moments. If you were to train biceps, for best results you would need to inject both biceps immediately post training. With PEG-MGF a single injection along with the hours of activity would allow for it to take a more full effect.
IGF-1 is spliced to MGF
MGF activates recovery of muscle tissue via an activation of muscle stem cells

Effects of Hexarelin
As with all GH products, Hexarelin carries with it numerous benefits. Because it is one of the most power GHRH hormones on the market, it may be the most beneficial to the performance athlete. Human Growth Hormone (HGH) will always be the most effective of all, but when it comes to GHRH items, fragments and the like, Hexarelin is perhaps the top choice.
The off-season athlete should find increases in mass and strength, increased recovery and an ability to maintain lower levels of body fat all a reality with this compound. As with any GH product, results will be dependent on diet and training routines, but also strongly dependent on the other items being used. The user will find his anabolic steroid cycle or other performance based items to be far more effective when using a GH product. He will not find a lot of benefit in terms of anabolism when used alone.
For the cutting athlete, much of what’s said for the off-season athlete can be said again, but in this case, it’s the fat loss, the enhanced metabolism that’s most beneficial. Recovery will also play a large role in terms of benefits being that recovery often suffers during a hard diet. Important note – although significant anabolism will not be present when used alone in an off-season, if used alone when cutting, increased rates in fat burning will certainly exist.
Perhaps the most beneficial effects of Hexarelin surround its healing properties. Data has shown this to be one of the most beneficial GH products in this regard. We cannot call it a suitable long-term option for the purpose of anti-aging due to the short-lived use that seems to exist, but it’s recovery type benefits are still hard to ignore. Such benefits can include:
Joint healing (not masking or false pain relief, but actual healing)
Strengthening of the Neural system
Muscle fiber repair (ideal for injuries)
Direct increase of bone density
Heart protection (some data has shown it may heal heart tissue, including the healing of scar tissue to the relieving of pressure at the left ventricle)

Side Effects of Hexarelin
The side effects of Hexarelin, there are more possible negative effects with this GH hormone than most but they should still be minimal in most cases. Most of the common yet infrequent side effects of GH can exist, but the side effects of Hexarelin do outnumber some of the other compounds GH related compounds:
Estrogenic: The side effects of Hexarelin do not include those of a direct estrogenic nature. Water retention is possible but not due to elevated levels of estradiol and can usually be corrected through diet, exercise or dosing adjustments.Hexarelin does not aromatize, but it can promote gynecomastia due to its ability to increase prolactin. This will not be a concern for most; it will most commonly be a concern for those who already possess active gynecomastia. However, in sensitive individuals or those who are already using items that increase prolactin, it could prove to be problematic.
Androgenic: The side effects of Hexarelin do not include any of an androgenic nature. Acne and hair loss are not possible with this peptide. Virilization symptoms cannot occur in women due to this peptide.
Cardiovascular: Cholesterol and blood pressure should not be negatively affected by the use of Hexarelin. Data has shown that the peptide may in fact improve heart health.
Hepatotoxicity: Hexarelin is not liver toxic.
Testosterone Suppression: Hexarelin will not suppress natural testosterone production.
Cortisol: The side effects of Hexarelin may include elevated levels of cortisol. How significant it will be appears to be very individualistic and may also be affected by other hormones you are taking. Individuals with elevated levels of cortisol may suffer from insomnia or restless sleep, they may experience fat gain despite proper diet and exercise, and they may find they have a weaker immune system. Depression, a decreased libido and increased anxiety may also be signs of elevated cortisol levels.

Hexarelin Administration
Hexarelin is administered via a subcutaneous injection. It will come in dry powder form and is mixed with bacteriostatic water. 200mcg per day appears to be the best dose for most in terms of benefits, although some may go as high as 400mcg per day. Users that use 400mcg per day do, however, run the risk of pituitary flair up. Most data shows benefits of 200mcg per day are not exceeded with higher doses of Hexarelin.
Due to the inactivity that will occur in time, 16 weeks of use max is the general recommendation with a minimum of 4 weeks of no use before starting again. Most users will find 8-12 weeks to be the most effective and beneficial time frame.

Buy Hexarelin Online
You can buy Hexarelin online from an online research chemical supply company. This will be the only place most will find it, and you will find the majority of related online vendors do not sell it. It can be one of the more expensive peptides available online and while not carried by all is carried by enough to find it. If you decide to buy Hexarelin online it is imperative that you first understand the laws of your country as they can vary from one to the next. In the U.S. such a purchase is legal but only for research purposes. You cannot legally buy Hexarelin online for individual personal use.

Hexarelin Reviews
Hexarelin does appear to have a lot of potential in the world of GH hormones. It may also be one of the more exciting ones being that it’s far less expensive than HGH and far more effective in terms of immediate benefits compared to most related items. However, because it is still a relatively new compound and because a lot of data still has holes, it’s very difficult to give a true opinion on this product at this time.

ID | Item | Capacity |
1 | Testosterone Cypionate | 250mg/ml |
2 | Testosterone Enanthate(TE250) | 250mg/ml |
3 | Testosterone Enanthate(TE300) | 300mg/ml |
4 | Testosterone Undecanoate (TU300) | 300mg/ml |
5 | Testosterone Propionate | 100mg/ml |
6 | Testosterone Propionate | 200mg/ml |
7 | Testosterone Propionate | 250mg/ml |
8 | TS(Testosterone Suspension) | 100mg/ml |
9 | Testosterone Base(Test Base) | 100mg/ml |
10 | SU-400(TP,TIS,TPP,TDECA) | 400mg/ml |
11 | Sustanon 250(TP,TIS,TPP,TDECA) | 250mg/ml |
12 | Supertest450 | 450mg/ml |
13 | Testo-600(TA,TPP,TC) | 600mg/ml |
14 | TRA100(Tren Acetate) | 100mg/ml |
15 | TRE100(Tren Enanthate) | 100mg/ml |
16 | TRE200(Tren Enanthate) | 200mg/ml |
17 | TRX100(Tren Hex Carbonate) | 100mg/ml |
18 | Trenmix200(TRA,TRE,Tri tren) | 200mg/ml |
19 | TRB50(Tren Base) | 50mg/ml |
20 | TnTren225 | 225mg/ml |
21 | Blend300(TRA,DP,TP) | 300mg/ml |
22 | Blend375(TRE,DE,TE) | 375mg/ml |
23 | Blend500(TRE,DE) | 500mg/ml |
24 | Methenolone Enanthate (Primobolan Enanthate ) | 100mg/ml |
25 | Methenolone Enanthate (Primobolan Enanthate ) | 200mg/ml |
26 | DECA200(Nandrolone Decanoate) | 200mg/ml |
27 | DECA300(Nandrolone Decanoate) | 300mg/ml |
28 | NANDROMIX-300(NPP,DECA) | 300mg/ml |
29 | NPP100(Nandrolone Phenypropionate) | 100mg/ml |
30 | NPP200(Nandrolone Phenypropionate) | 200mg/ml |
31 | Stanozolol Oil Base(Winstrol) | 50mg/ml |
32 | Stanozolol Oil Base(Stanozolol) | 100mg/ml |
33 | Stanozolol Suspension(Stanozolol) | 50mg/ml |
34 | Stanozolol Suspension(Stanozolol) | 100mg/ml |
35 | BU200(Boldenone Undecylenate,Equipoise) | 200mg/ml |
36 | BU300(Boldenone Undecylenate,Equipoise) | 300mg/ml |
37 | BU600(Boldenone Undecylenate,Equipoise) | 600mg/ml |
38 | BC250(Boldenone Cypionate) | 250mg/ml |
39 | Masteron P 100(Drostanolone Propionate,DP) | 100mg/ml |
40 | Masteron E (Drostanolone Enanthate,DE) | 200mg/ml |
41 | Dianabol 50(Methandrostenolone) | 50mg/ml |
42 | Anadrol-50(Oxymetholone) | 50mg/ml |
43 | DHB(1-Testosterone Cypionate) | 100mg/ml |
44 | MENT50(Trestolone Acetate) | 50mg/ml |
45 | Stanolone(DHT) | 50mg/ml |
46 | Stanolone(DHT) | 100mg/ml |
47 | Superdrol 50(Methyldrostanolone) | 50mg/ml |
48 | NAD+100 | 100mg/ml |
49 | Metribolone | 5mg/ml |

Post time: Oct-07-2023